The 2014 Great Hucklow Fell Race ran on Sunday 20th July
The 2014 Great Hucklow Fell Race ran as strongly as ever, despite having to make a last minute change of registration venue. Many thanks to the village school for letting us colonise their play ground and playing field at very short notice. Following on the heels of the school’s end of term play meant we could use 3 big marquees for event HQ. The village turned out once again to marshal the route, provide the renowned refreshments and all. For the third year, the junior races went great as well. The change of registration meant a different start and finish too, but only to a different point on the existing route.
From the 139 entries in the senior race, Tom Saville of Dark Peak won for the second year in a row, in a time of 46:21. The fastest woman was Carla Gibbons of Totley AC in 59:39. As so often, Dark Peak won male team prize, with Pennine taking the female prize, with up to four fastest from each club winning a pint from the Queen Anne.
In the Junior races through the wooded hillside, Ben Naylor cleared the 6+ course through the woods fastest, with Scarlett Richard the fastest girl. Kearyn Hopley won the 8+ race overall with a very clear lead over the short course, maintaining his lead in the Gritty series. Eve Crownshaw was the fastest girl.
Thanks as ever to supporters and sponsors: Accelerate for including us in both the Gritstone and Gritty (junior) series, providing prizes and friendly advice on the day, Old Barn, Castleford and the Queen Anne pub. Derbyshire Cave Rescue were again on hand and ready for all manner of emergencies beyond the scratches, strains and sprains that are all they normally deal with on the day. And thanks to the dozen landowners who let us run over their properties each year.